Thursday, October 2, 2014


Happy October! Now that we’ve started the first “full” month of the new season, it really feels like fall to me.

I’m writing about contentment today.
I’ve never had a desire for great excitement or daily adrenaline rushes. I’ve just wanted peace.
For me, peace is a contentment with life. It’s not a life where everything is necessarily going well, or where I’ve reached big goals.
It’s a sense of well-being, a belief that whatever life throws at me, I will handle. It’s the ability to enjoy the moment while moving toward accomplishments I’m passionate about.
I’m feeling more like that lately. With the help of my husband, my cat, my mental health treatment, the people in my day-to-day life, and you, dear readers, I am sturdier on this path I’m on.
I’m not expecting all smooth sailing up ahead. I have far to go and more battles, I’m sure.
But I am believing more in myself and my ability to build that big life—which is really a full life—that I’ve wanted.

Nature is one of the ways I connect to life. I feel a part of something bigger. Even the little bits of nature are beautiful to me.
On that note, can you stand a couple more photos of acorns?
It’s raining acorns here. At least, that what it sometimes sounds like. I sat in the car the other day and just listened to them fall, bouncing on the driveway and ground.
Larry continues to work on gathering them and getting them off the driveway. I loved this pile he made. It looks like the perfect supply for some hungry squirrels or deer.

I noticed an acorn lying flat on the bricks outside the door on my way to work one morning. That evening, I picked it up and was fascinated by the view of the inside of an acorn. In this photo, Larry is holding it up for me to get the shot.

Knitting is still going on inside the house. I bought a larger size pair of needles and some chunky yarn and started another scarf. This one is blue, a color Larry picked out. I love the flow of the bigger needles and yarn.

I’ve been feeling more content lately, and for that, I am thankful.

What has been making you content lately?


  1. Wow, that is a TON of acorns! Neat shot. It's too bad they are such a pain to prepare for human consumption.

  2. I am so grateful that a feeling of contentment (and dare I say it, ease) is gently washing over you. Nature is such a healer (and so are cats and compassionate love). I find knitting to be meditative, almost zen-like, once you get the hang of it and don't work in a complicated pattern. That blue is pretty -- and the acorn, amazing!

  3. hooray for you!!! i'm definitely more content with the slightly cooler temperatures. rain, today, would bring a welcome dose of contentment and relief for some ground cracks. :)

  4. For me, it's a lot of what you are doing........mindfulness, and living in the moment. Great photos!

  5. Glad you're doing so much find contentment in the same things I do! For me, lately, it's been Autumn weather, the satisfaction of getting things done that I had been neglecting, and other small things – listening to music while making dinner, listening to audio books on long drives, crocheting in front of the TV at night.

  6. yay, i am happy for you! your scarf is pretty!

  7. OK, that is a LOT of acorns. I like to think the squirrels go by and will have stories to tell their grandchildren.

    I am glad you are feeling better. It is so nice to be able to breathe and just be.

  8. So glad you are feeling more content! Wow! That's a lot of acorns. We have a couple of oaks at the end of our driveway, but they haven't produced too many this year yet. Sometimes when I walk by them though, they drop the acorns around me. I'm kind of afraid of getting hit in the head by one. I'm not so sure they have that good of aim though. I like the idea of the cooler weather. That makes me feel happy and content in a way.

  9. Great that you feel you are making changes. Contentment for me? Being outdoors and in the bush. There is lots of opportunity for contentment there.

  10. So happy you are feeling more content. That's a lot of acorns for sure and the knitting looks to be coming along nicely. I find contentment in being able to get out, photograph, share & view others blogs. It takes me places I probably will never see otherwise.

  11. i have noticed a lot of the acorns are missing their tops ... so when i find an acorns totally in one piece i keep them. i have 3 so far. we will see what my total collection will be in the end? i am wondering what i will find? ( :

  12. I am seriously awed about the acorns. I wish we had acorns.

    Things that make me content? A good book, a good cup of tea, and sleep.

  13. Contentment to me is as important or more important than joy. It's hard to be joyful every single day, but contentment is attainable and feels good

  14. that's a lot of acorns, seriously!! the scarf is so pretty, i love the color and your stitches look beautiful!! knitting brings me much so. 12 hats of joy so far ;)


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