Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How do you define a balanced life?

“Live a balanced life—learn some and think some and draw some and paint some and sing and dance and play and work some everyday some.” Robert Fulghum

“Life is like riding a bicycle—in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.” Albert Einstein

How do you define a balanced life? How do you live it?


  1. Haven't got a clue who wrote this, but I like to hold on to this for myself:
    "Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason."

  2. I think the definition of a balanced life varies from person to person. My definition of a balanced life is not doing anything in excess. I have the tendency to do the whole black and white thing and my new definition of balance is not to think in absolutes or extremes. There's work and play, active and resting, etc. It is very difficult for me to try and fit balance into my daily life, but it takes a very conscious effort. I try to not over do anything and when I do, I try to balance it out. Physically, mentally, emotionally, etc.

    1. Yaya, It takes a very conscious effort on my part, too. I tend to get caught up in the responsibilities of life and not think about balancing.

  3. For me, this question is harder than it looks. While it's easy for me to say I should incorporate a "little bit of everything" into my daily life, life itself often gets in the way. Too many responsibilities for others may keep me from caring for myself, or finding time for enjoyment. This is just one example. So it is a conscious effort to keep working toward that balance. When I do achieve it,I know it, because it feels great! Oh, and I love Robert Fulghum's quote.....

    1. Janet, I agree. It's easier to say what a balanced life is than it is to live it. And what to include to make it balanced? That is my question for myself.

  4. Oh, Tina, what a question!

    Shoot.... I have no idea how to achieve a balanced life. Haha!

  5. Oh Lord I wish I knew...I don't think I live a very balanced life. I do not work out of the home, which bothers me sometimes, others it is a saving grace. I think my life is actually not very balanced! It is what it is and when it's working it is nice and when it isn't it isn't!

    1. Shannon, I'm not sure my life is very balanced, either.

  6. I agree..tough question. I am inclined to automatically say a balanced life is really fundamental to being healthy, because everyone preaches that - even Oprah! I stink at balance. I know that when my husband was working 80 hours a week it was unhealthy for him and our relationship and we decided he should step down because the career/money was not worth the sacrifice. Usually that is how balance occurs for me, when I get so out of whack it is a crisis and I have to re-focus. :( But then, with the Olympics coming up I am reading and watching these wonderful athlete's who train 8-10 hours a day or more, sometimes on top of jobs and family, or sacrificing friends and family and that seems very un-balanced. Yet to get to that level of expertise you would have to sacrifice ..some people seem to adapt to an unbalanced life and do quite well. Or maybe they aren't, we really don't know what is going on inside.

    1. Krystal, Yes, everyone preaches having a balanced life, but everyone has a different definition that works for them. A life training for the Olympics wouldn't seem very balanced to me, but I've never been in the position to even have a chance of doing that.

  7. I'd say it is someone who dabbles in a lot of things, but does nothing to an extreme.

    1. I'd agree, Lisa, that a balanced life wouldn't contain anything to an extreme.

  8. Oooh, tough question. Hmmm . . . I think for me a balanced life is a life that is lived for God, while loving my family, and serving others around me while still making some time for just enjoying life in different ways. Wow, this looks good on paper, but much harder to achieve in real life!

    1. Sunny, yes, it looks great on paper, but so hard to do!

  9. That, my friend, is the million dollar question! Balance is something I have to work hard at every day. For me it's trying to find the perfect mix of work, play, health, fitness, creativity and down time. It's about not being so overextended that I"m able to be fully engaged in what I'm doing at that moment. And it's about spending time with people who are most important to me. I like Einstein's quote, but sometimes slowing down or stopping is the only way I can find balance.

    1. I like what you say, Becky, about being fully engaged in what you're doing in the moment--so important. Maybe that's a key to living a balanced life.

  10. I'm still trying to balance my life :)

  11. What a deep and thought provoking question!

    A balanced life (to me) is a life in which we are doing what we love, mixed with a bit of what we should be doing to be alive (eat, sleep, work). It is living a life we are proud of, while sharing it with others. I think in order to fully live a balanced life, we must bring in others in some form or another.

    I will think about this for some time, thanks for that!

  12. I really have no idea how to balance life or what a balanced life would even look like. I just take it one day at a time.


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