Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ask me a question

Ask me anything.
Ask me a question, and I’ll answer it.

I got this idea from a great blogger, Kim of My Inner Chick, who recently opened her blog to readers’ questions.

I thought this would be fun, plus helpful because it would allow for questions about things that I might not have addressed on my blog but need to.

So ask me anything.

Do you have a question that you’d like to ask about my obsessive-compulsive disorder? Depression? Generalized anxiety disorder?

Would you like to know about my cats? About the place animals have in my life?

Do you have a question about my writing?

Ask me anything.
I will answer the questions in Friday’s post, with a link to your blog, if you have one.

Please ask away!


  1. You are so nice Tina, how in the world do you think you were chosen to get the blessing of these illnesses?

  2. What a great idea - yet I am terrible at asking questions.

    But since mental illness is on my mind (blame it on school) - I would like to ask about that ... Is there anything that folks do not know or understand about OCD, that you wish they did? Has blogging helped you in some way, in terms of dealing with your diagnoses?

    Hope you have a lovely week!

  3. I know you're not supposed to....but do you have a favorite cat (shhh, I won't tell!)

  4. I love the idea of questions. In fact, Jodi started it on Wednesdays on her Facebook page, then the Blog.
    What is one thing you would love to have or achieve in your life, but you know you won't be able to do it, and how can you compensate?

  5. This is a great idea, I might have to follow suit, I will link back to you if I do.

    My question is a not so serious, mental illness related one - Why do you love cats?

  6. I love kittehs with top whiskers. So cute!

  7. I love the idea! If I actually had any followers, I would do it myself...;D!

    My question is: Do you think that it's ever possible to totally overcome an OCD obsession, or is it always there?

  8. How does OCD influence your writing life (if it does)? What are you writing right now (for yourself, not for work)?

    Oops, two questions! :-)

  9. I remember when I found your blog Tina and I thought you were so fearless because you posted your picture along with your real name (I assume anyway) and then you wrote that you link your blog with your facebook which I think is really brave. I wish I was comfortable doing that, and there's this huge part of me that makes me angry at myself because I am offended that there is a stigma to mental illness, I mean, people who have heart attacks or strokes certainly shouldn't be ashamed so neither should I.
    My question is: What makes you angry? And if I can ask a second one, it would be: If you could be granted a wish and be rid of one obsession/compulsion forever, what would it be?

  10. Tina, you are so brave, putting yourself out there to all kinds of questions.......I'm truly impressed. My question..if you weren't blogging about mental illness, or cats, what topics would you like to blog about?

  11. What is the piece of writing that you are most proud of? (Hint - would you be willing to share??) Don't want to make you uncomfortable, so please don't feel that you have to share!

  12. I might be too late, but I'm curious- do you write every day or do you keep a particular schedule (apart from the blogging schedule, that is)?

  13. My question- Can I steal this idea and use it in the future on my blog?

    Also, what is your favorite food??? :D


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